
Our consulting approach builds on your studies and evidence, and integrates the value drivers and market access experiences into one strategy.

The core behind a good strategy is to understand the marekt you are in. Jointly we analyze your data, identify key strengths and prioritise your challenges. With this approach we realise the maximum potential of your product – and we help patients getting access faster, wider and with less administration.

All our services

Recent examples of strategic projects:

  • Market entry and development strategies for biosimilar
  • Exclusivity-strategy for antidepressants
  • Risk-sharing contracts for the osteoporosis market
  • Market entry strategies of OTC-products
  • Positioning of new products in ophthalmology (Drugs or MedTech)
  • Market Access strategy for diagnostic tests in oncology
  • Contracting strategies for medical devices (back pain)
  • Market access of medical app / mobile health devices
  • Hospital reimbursement beyond DRGs
  • Registries and market access requirements
  • HTA-development in Europe
  • Diagnosis-related group (DRG)


The answer to the How?

Our consulting approach builds on your studies and evidence, and integrates the value drivers and market access experiences into one strategy.

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Market Access

The ‘perfect market access‘ or the ‘perfect storm’!

European market access challenges usually have acronyms: NICE, HAS, AMNOG, AIFA and CIMP – which give evidence of the global megatrend for rigorous assessments in reimbursement decisions of health technologies (Health Technology Assessment (HTA)).

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Value determination, demonstration and communication.

It is not simply a question of determining how much payers will pay for drugs. It is a question, of how much of the value can you demonstrate within the clinical trial results, and how much clinical and economic justification do you have to supplement from other evidence sources.

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